I, Banquo: Designer's notes

Graeme's first design notes and sketches for I, Banquo
I, Banquo and I, Peaseblossom and were designed by Graeme Gilmour. Graeme is a Brighton-based sculptor, puppet maker and set designer/maker who has has designed and built shows for theatre, outdoor spectacles, street festivals and TV. He has collaborated with Tim on a number of projects.
Other major work includes the co-design and puppets for Shockheaded Peter, Sticky, the Sellotape show and Get Lost dotMaze- an amazing maze installation currently touring outdoor festivals.
Graeme says about Tim that "as a writer, he is a bit of a control freak - or, to put it more kindly, he has a very clear vision of what he wants".
Whilst lesser designers might find this constricting, Graeme really embraces the job of interpreting then refining this vision. He sees his job as a designer to tell as much of the story as possible visually, whilst strenuously avoiding any extraneous elements that may muddy the waters.
This means that not only must the set, costume and props be the right things for the job, but also that the way that they are made and the materials from which they are made must be carefully considered in the context of the play.