Shakespeare for young people
PLEASE NOTE: This is an old site, which remains for information and archive reasons. While there is much here to look at, It has not been updated since 2011. Please visit Tim Crouch's main website for current info.

Fairymonsterghost is a unique chance for children and young people from year 5 and above to encounter Shakespeare in an original and accessible way.
A series of three, self contained one-man shows, I, Peaseblossom, I, Caliban and I, Banquo, offer an exciting inroad into, respectively, A Midsummer Night's Dream, The Tempest and Macbeth - no previous knowledge required.
Originally commissioned for the Brighton Festival over three years, the plays are written and performed by multi award winning playwright/actor Tim Crouch. By turns funny, endearing and – in the case of I, Banquo (which is suitable for 11+) – very, very, bloody. They involve the audience in a direct way and focus on telling the story of each play through the eyes of a character who watches the main action from the sidelines.
This website is an important part of the productions: It offers a growing resource base for teachers and pupils to prepare for, and to follow up visits to the plays. Here, over the next few months, you will find:
- detailed information on each play
- the full scripts to download
- photographs
- classroom exercises
- background information on writing and performing the shows
- notes from the designers
- and much, much more.
To find out more about Tim Crouch, visit his production company's website - news from nowhere,